Mes Partitions de Musique

I’ll take you on my pretty boat

I’ll take you on my pretty boat
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I’ll take you on my pretty boat
Reference : P1021
Je vous emmènerai sur mon joli bateau
I’ll take you on my pretty boat
Fox-trot sung by André Goavec and Rose Carday, from the operetta "l'auberge du cheval blanc", operetta in 3 acts by Hans Muller after the play by Blumenthal and Kadelburg
French adaptation by Lucien Besnard and René Dorin, auThéatre Mogador, Direction des frères Isola, Erik Charell
Music by Anton Profes
Score of 1929
Score illustrated by Kramer
Dimensions 26.5 x 17.5 cm
Products available : 1
2025-12-31 6.006.00
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